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The NFZ.forestnet European network for forest research and higher education offers international summerschools

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It gathers 7 French, German and Swiss institutions working on forestry, forest ecosystem and forest-related products. During the 2015 NFZ summer school in the Swiss Alps, a short video clip captured the spirit of these annual events aimed at PhD students - they are both smart and fun. PhD students from all countries with various backgrounds ranging from socio-economics and policy to ecology, sylviculture, agro-forestry, and wood sciences, to name only a few, learn about and discuss topical themes in an interdisciplinary setting. Subject-specific summer schools offer high level and in depth exchanges about data collection, analysis and interpretation methodologies.  All summer schools include lectures, poster sessions, excursions and group work with presentations. NFZ summer schools are alternately organized each year by one of the three partner countries.

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Internautes non-anglophones : cliquez ici pour un résumé du site en français.

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