Collaborative Events

Collaborative Events

In this section

September 2-8, 2018, Nyzhnje Selyshche / Ukraine, organized by WSL
25-29 June 2018 in Champenoux/France, hosted by Inra and Université de Lorraine
NFZ.forestnet hosted the IUFRO 125 Anniversary Congress 2017 in Freiburg, Germany.
June 1st - 5th, 2015 INRA campus, Champenoux, France 3rd edition
Alexandre Fruleux, mountain torrent
First Announcement and Call for Abstracts. 7-9 July 2015 Smokovce, High Tatra Mountains, Slovakia
EFI 20 years official logo
The European Forest Institute (EFI) has chosen Nancy and the NFZ.forestnet partners for its 20th anniversary conference. During one week, various events will take place to celebrate 20 years of forest networking in Europe. To highlight the NFZ.forestnet partnership, the ClimTree congress will be held in Zurick a few weeks before as a satellite event of the EFI annual conference.

Modification date: 07 July 2023 | Publication date: 19 July 2018 | By: INRAE Communication Office